There are different assisted reproduction techniques to achieve the pregnancy successfully. They represent a solution for many couples who have been trying to have children for more than one year. According to some studies, infertility affects 15% of the population in reproductive age.
The main assisted reproduction treatments are In vitro fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) with their different options. Once the cause of the problem is identified by the specialist, the most appropriate method is chosen to achieve the pregnancy.
One of the main assisted reproduction technique is In vitro fertilization
IVF with partner
It consists of fertilizing the patient’s eggs, which were previously retrieved, in the laboratory with her partner’s sperm.
IVF with male donor
It consists of fertilizing the patient’s eggs, which were previously retrieved, in the laboratory with a donor’s sperm.
IVF with female donor
In the case of a female donor, her healthy eggs are used. The purpose is fertilizing them in the laboratory with the patient’s partner sperm when she is affected by some fertility issues.
IVF with female and male donor
IVF with female and male donor requires oocytes and sperm from both anonymous donors. The embryos, which are obtained from the fertilization, are transferred into the patient’s womb. Patients affected by fertility problems can take advantage of this option.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), another assisted reproduction technique
IUI with partner’s sperm
This kind of Insemination consists of injecting the sperm of the patient’s partner which was previously selected from a sperm sample in order to obtain the best quality sperm.
IUI with donor’s sperm
In this case, the sperm is chosen from a sperm bank. This treatment is applied when the partner’s sperm is not good quality, in the case of a single mother or a woman with a female partner.
There are also other techniques to postpone the fertility problem in order to ensure a future possibility of having a child with your own genes and the best health condition for the baby.
Egg freezing
Women who want to postpone their maternity experience, can freeze their eggs through this procedure. Afterwards, when they are ready to become a mother they can undergo the implantation. In this way, a pregnancy with their own good quality eggs is guaranteed.
Sperm cryo-preservation
This technique is based on a sperm sample preservation to then use when you are ready to become a father. The sample can be maintained for long-term periods.
This technique consists of performing a genetic study on the embryos before implanting them into the womb aimed at preventing the foetus from suffering inevitable genetic diseases.