Patients that are in a process of In Vitro Fertilisation are usually scared before the ovarian puncture phase. This is the process by which the patients’ eggs are extracted when they reach the appropriate number and size (this can be established by realizing periodical ultrasound scan). To extract eggs, puncture is performed in the operating theatre, under sedation, and is a completely safe process in which there is no risk for the patient of suffering disorders. The extraction is approximately 10 to 15 minutes, through an ultrasound control, the vagina is visualized and all the follicles are extracted from the inside which are the oocytes. Practically there is no risk of suffering disorder during this process, however to be prepared in that moment we provide you with some advice before the ovarian puncture.
Advices before the ovarian puncture
Eva Clinics want to provide you useful advices to be prepared to the puncture phase.
- Is fasting needed prior to puncture? You cannot eat six hours prior to the operation, like any sedation, you need fasting.
- Is it necessary resting hours before it? No, it is not necessary. The only recommendation is avoiding any excessive physical effort, but you can realise physical exercises moderately, for example walking or swimming, it will help you to calm your nerves.
- Is it possible having sexual relations prior to ovarian puncture? Yes, the only thing is that can be annoying due to the bigger size of the ovaries for the ovarian stimulation.
Other recommendations before going into surgery are the same as other operations, for example is required not having polished nails, not wearing perfume, personal object like bracelets, earring, piercing, etc. On the other hand after puncture you should wait a while in the clinic so we recommend bringing someone with you to make the waiting time more pleasant. All Eva Clinics staff will look after you and take care of you both in puncture and the whole treatment.