The best time to get pregnant

Do you want to find out what are the best days to get pregnant? Learning to calculate your fertile days will help you to figure it out.

Do you want to find out what are the best days to get pregnant? Learning to calculate your fertile days will help you to figure it out. The fertile days are those of a menstrual period where you have higher chances to conceive.  This occurs each month during the ovulation period, that is, every time that ovary releases an egg that moves through fallopian tubes and in that moment it is fertilized by sperm.

How to find out what are the best days to get pregnant?

get pregnant

There are different techniques to identify the most fertile time.

The most common and natural way is named calendar or Ogino-Knaus method. It consists of writing down the day in which the menstruation appears (first day of menstrual period) until the beginning of the following cycle. This process should be repeated for at least 4 months to establish if it is a regular cycle; in this case the ovulation appears 14 days after the first day of the menstrual period. The fertile days will then include 4 days before the ovulation until the following three.

At Eva Clinics we rely on a fertility calculator in order to help you with doing the math.

Find out your fertile days with our Fertility Calculator!

Other techniques to detect fertile days:

  • Basal temperature: Body temperature increases 0, 5ºC during ovulation. Taking the temperature with a special thermometer during different days when you first wake up, will establish your fertile days.
  • Cervical mucus: Cervical mucus or vaginal discharge has a stretchy and slippery consistency during ovulation. This is another hint which proves that we are closer to our fertile time.

Conceiving through fertility techniques

Sometimes, even when planning sexual intercourse during the days of highest fertility, it is impossible achieving the pregnancy due to other diseases. For this reason, the assisted reproduction treatment became a way to face this situation. The fertility specialist is responsible for choosing the appropriate option after evaluating the medical history of the couple in order to establish the proper technique.

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