Intracytoplasmic sperm microinjection is also known as ICSI, it is one of In Vitro Fertilisation techniques.
ICSI consists in microinjecting sperm (previously selected) by a micro needle inside the cytoplasm of one of the eggs and actively participating in the fertilisation process.
Sperm microinjection technique is particularly recommended for couples with a diagnose of a severe male factor. Choosing between a conventional IVF and ICSI depends on the medical history of the treated couple.
The main indications of ICSI technique are:
- Couples in which the man has a low sperm concentration, low motility and a poor and abnormal morphology.
- Patients with a good cryopreserved sperm sample like those who undergone chemotherapy or radiofrequency treatments, or those who realized a vasectomy. In these cases a limited quantity of sperm sample is available and its use is optimized by ICSI technique.
- When there is a problem to obtain an ejaculation in normal conditions, like retrograde ejaculation.
- When sperm is directly obtained by testicles through a testicular biopsy.
- Cases of In Vitro Fertilisation failure: traditional IVF and Artificial Insemination.
- Cases in which the man has infectious disease like HIV, Hepatitis B or C and Immunological infertility.
- Patients with a low response to ovarian stimulation.
- Cases in which Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is performed.