Desiring and looking for a baby can be an authentic experience for the couple. To obtain a higher success pregnancy rate, it is important that the woman is aware of her fertile days.
Fertile days are those of the cycle when there are more possibilities to conceive. This occurs each month during the ovulation period, that is, every time that ovary releases an egg that moves through fallopian tubes, in that moment it is fertilized by sperm. The fertile period starts four days before ovulation and approximately three days after it.
How to determine your fertile days?
Some women are able to detect their fertile days because they suffer body changes and some discomforts. Each woman can assess her fertile days by some techniques.
- Basal temperature: Body temperature increases 0, 5ºC during ovulation. Taking the temperature with a special thermometer during different days when you first wake up, will establish your fertile days.
- Cervical mucus: Cervical mucus or vaginal discharge has a delicate aspect during ovulation.
- Calendar method or Origino-Knaus method: It consists in noting down the duration of menstrual cycles for several months to detect the most fertile days. In the Eva Clinics web page you can find more information about this fertility calendar method.
Other techniques to determine your fertile days
Furthermore there are other quite accurate techniques to determine your days with highest fertility like the ovulation texts. There are different brands and types of text but practically they all work in the same way and that is detecting through a urine sample, the ovulation hormone LH.
Another efficient method to know your fertile days with a fair degree of accuracy is using our fertility calculator. Inserting some simple information you will know when you are more fertile immediately.