It is important to know how to calculate your fertile days. If you have a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, your ovulation will take place in the middle of your cycle (14 days after the first day of its period). But if your cycle is longer, for example 34 days, ovulation will take place around the 20th day and not in the middle of the cycle.
Fertility Calendar of your fertile days
Every woman and each body is different; however, if your menstruation is quite regular there is a simple way to detect the most fertile days for you. You can do it by yourself, although it should be pointed out that it will be less reliable than the one done by an expert.
It deals with a fertility calendar method also known as Origino-Knaus calendar, is a natural fertility method. It consists in writing down the day in which the menstruation appears. It is necessary to repeat this process for at least 3 or 4 months to evaluate if the menstruation always appears after the same period of time and if the menstrual cycles have the same duration (it will not happen if you have a very irregular menstruation and the fertility calendar will not be efficient).
Once this information is obtained, you have to be aware of three aspects:
- Ovulation is produced just once a month and is the 14th day of your menstrual cycle.
- The egg life in the uterus is 24 hours.
- Sperm survive 72 hours in the woman’s body
Find out the most fertile days
Starting from this information, it should be point out that fertile days are the ones closest to ovulation, the previous four and the following three. Try our fertility calculator, it will calculate by inserting simple information about your fertile days.