In Vitro Fertilisation

In Vitro Fertilisation

Fertility Treatments of celebrities

Currently there are more women that choose the fertility treatments to achieve their dream to get pregnant. Do you know which celebrities used these techniques to have a child?

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Recommendations from the transfer until the Beta day
In Vitro Fertilisation

Recommendations from the transfer until the Beta day

The embryo transfer is a crucial step of In Vitro Fertilization. Then there is the beta waiting time which is the moment from embryo transfer until the Beta day. Do you know the recommendations to follow within this period?

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Frozen embryo transfer and ivf
In Vitro Fertilisation

Frozen embryo transfer and ivf

The embryo transfer is the last and crucial step of In Vitro Fertilization treatment. In this procedure both fresh and frozen embryos can be used. Do you know which one provide higher success rates?

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In Vitro Fertilisation

Symptoms of Embryo Implantation

Embryo implantation is a decisive step in a fertility treatment like In Vitro Fertilisation, this is the moment in which the embryo is attached to the endometrium. When the time comes, the woman can suffer from a series of typical pregnancy symptoms.

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